Perasaan sedih adalah sesuatu yang akan menimpa setiap orang pada saat menjalani kehidupan ini. Kesedihan akan muncul saat kita mengalami suatu kesulitan di dunia ini dan merasa sulit dalam meghadapinya. Ini adalah fitrah manusia, sebab bukankah sesudah kesedihan pasti ada kegembiraan dan tidak ada seorang pun yang selalu hidup dalam kesedihan. Allah SWT Berfirman :

“Dan bahwasannya Dialah yang menjadikan orang tertawa dan menangis” (QS. An Najm :43)

Biasanya kesedihan akan muncul tatkala kita kurang memiliki kesabaran dalam menghadapi suatu musibah. Tetapi ketika kesabaran menjadi tameng dan senjata dalam menghadapinya maka semuanya akan terasa ringan dan akan berakhir kepada kebahagian. Selain itu bersikaplah untuk selalu berbaik sangka bahwa kesedihan yang dialami sekarang lebih kecil di banding dengan kebahagiaan yang akan didapat kelak. Hadapi semua ini sebagai suatu ujian yang akan membuat kita menjadi lebih mulia disisi Allah dengan selalu berbuat kebaikan dan kebaikan. Hal ini dapat dicapai ketika diri ini lebih memikirkan akhirat yang lebih kekal yang di dalamnya tidak ada kesedihan dan kesusahan sedikitpun.

Misalnya dalam menghadapi ejekan orang atau saat ada orang yang membicarakan kejelekan kita, jangan lah kita balas dengan sesuatu yang setimpal berupa ejekan lagi. Karena pada hakikatnya dia telah memberikan suatu kebaikan dari kebaikannya. Lebih baik jika kita berharap, semoga Allah SWT membalas dengan kebaikan pula. Sesuatu yang penting adalah melakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat di dunia maupun di akhirat. Disini bukan berarti kita lemah, tetapi untuk dapat selalu produktif dalam melanjutkan berbuat kebaikan di hari kedepan.

Semoga kita dapat melewati kesedihan dengan diiringi kesabaran dan kegembiraan yang diiringi dengan rasa syukur.

Sailor Moon is a manga (comic book) series, named after the main character created by Naoko Takeuchi. In Japan, the immense popularity of Sailor Moon has led to anime (cartoon versions) of the manga series, movies, live action productions, video games, and musicals. Translations of the comic book series in the US have been popular, though dubbed versions of the anime productions failed to capture the interest of many TV viewers.

Sailor Moon straddles two common manga genres, magical girl and the team genre. Initially Naoko Takeuchi was specifically interested in the magical girl genre, but later the popularity of the Sailor V manga series inspired her to rework the plot to incorporate nine more magical girls into a team to fight the forces of darkness. Each girl has the ability to morph into a “sailor” superhero named after the planets, or the moon. If you follow the manga, the stories are not always consistent because of this reworking of the plot.

Takeuchi has been praised for her “girl power” themes, her inclusion of references to Classical Greek and Roman mythology, and for reintroducing the magical girl theme to manga. She initially planned to produce one story only, but instead ended up producing five different story arcs because of the popularity of Sailor Moon. The full series has been published in book form, actually 14 books in total. The first edition was published in 1992, and in 2003, a second edition with new drawings, some editing and new art hit the stands.

The manga series began its run in 1992 and over the next five years produced 200 episodes. The popularity of Sailor Moon made the manga popular in primetime showings of the cartoon. The live action series enjoyed a brief run in Japan between 2003-2004. In Japan, Sony and Sega both had popular Sailor Moon video games, more known its puzzles. A game for the Nintendo Wii is being produced. It’s challenging to find English versions of Sailor Moon video games.

Finding English translations of the manga Sailor Moon is now difficult. The English language versions of the manga are out of print, so they can be difficult to collect. Additionally, Sailor Moon did not enjoy the widespread popularity in the US that it did in Japan, so fewer issues and books were printed in English.

Although some criticize Sailor Moon as campy or “stock” entertainment, many have clearly enjoyed the stories in all their manifestations. It’s still considered one of the top anime series in Japan, and has been inspiring for young girls who’d like to write manga. Takeuchi’s popularity in Japan has been comparable to J.K. Rowling’s in the UK and US. She’s considered a role model for those who’d like to follow in her footsteps.

broken heart in my past life

When you are leaving

I can’t think everything

You give me something

Until I can’t do anything

Because of you

I’m crazy

Because of you

I’m lonely

I’m sinking

In your love story

I give you everything

Till it makes me going crazy

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