Preparation for the new school year

Preparation for the new school year

The new school year is an exciting and anxious time for children and parents. There is much to do and expect much more. The first thing you need to organize. Preparation sometimes seems chaotic, and it is easy to forget important things. List the things that must be done, and check them. Far from a list to make sure you dont miss anything

After the holidays, children can become a cycle body is unsuitable for school use. They are now accustomed to waking up late, spend their time playing, watching TV, etc., and sleeping late. To prepare your child for the new school year, you need him / her, his body cycle to help them return to normal. You should encourage them to sleep and wake up on time at least one week before school actually. This way, when school starts they feel drowsy, sleepy or distracted during class.

The new school year means new supplies. Take a trip to the mall and make sure that everything your child needs to buy. These include books, stationery, clothes, shoes, a lunch box, bag and bottle of water if necessary, and other utilities specific to your child. You can add a few things from the last school year, which could still be used, but they are worn and torn, it would be better to buy a new piece.

Talk with your child about school. Let him know that the holidays almost over and school is about to begin. Make it something he / she look forward to. Have a conversation about the classes they will be changes, if any, in school hours, location, or other system

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