Jounalism Ethics
A. Journalism Ethics in a Democratic Society in Indonesia
One embodiment of the independence of the republic of Indonesia is the country's independence of mind issue with oral and written, as mandated by Article 28 of the Constitution of 1945. Therefore, freedom of press must be respected by all parties.
In carrying out journalistic activities, Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) has set a journalistic code of ethics that must be obeyed by all Indonesian journalists. Council post-reform press that formed in 1998to formulate two codes, namely codes of practice and business ethics of the press.
a. Journalism Ethics AJI (Alliance of Independent Journalists)
Code of ethics of the press according to the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) as follows:
1) A journalist respects the right of people to get correct information.
2) Journalists always retain the principles of freedom and the balance in news coverage and criticism and comments.
3) Journalists provides a place for those who lack the resources and the opportunity to voice their opinion.
4) Journalists only report the facts and opinions clearly the source.
5) A journalist does not hide important information you need to know the community.
6) A journalist uses unethical means to obtain news, photographs, and documents.
7) A journalist respects the right of speakers to provide background information, off the record, and embargoes.
8) immediately rectify any news journalist who is known to be inaccurate.
9) maintain the confidentiality of journalists sources of information confidential, the identity of victims of sexual crimes, and perpetrators of criminal acts under age.
10) Journalists avoid hatred, prejudice, condescension, and discrimination in matters tribe, race, nation, politics, disability or mental illness, or other social background.
11) A journalist respects the privacy, except those things that could harm the public.
12) Journalists do not report the news with mengumbar obscenity, cruelty, physical violence, and sexual.
13) A journalist does not exploit its position and information for personal gain.
14) Journalists are not justified in accepting bribes.
Note: This is a form of bribe is all in the form of money, goods, and or other facilities which directly or indirectly can influence a journalist in making journalistic work.
15) A journalist does not justify copying.
16) Journalists avoid libel and defamation.
17) Journalists avoid any interference of other parties that inhibit the implementation of the principles above.
18) The cases relating to codes of conduct will be resolved by the assembly code of ethics.
b. Code of Ethics of Indonesian Journalists (KEWI)
The Code is prepared 26 journalists organizations in promoting the spirit of Bandung tahun1999 with journalism in the era of press freedom.
1) Indonesian journalists to respect people's right to obtain the correct information.
2) Indonesian Journalists take an ethical manner to acquire and broadcast, and to give identity to the source of information.
3) Indonesian journalists to respect the principle of presumption of innocence, do not mix up facts and opinions, balanced and always examine the validity of the information, and not doing plagit.
4) Indonesian Journalists do not broadcast information that contains false, defamatory, sadistic and obscene. And did not identify victims of moral evil.
5) Indonesian Journalists do not take bribes and do not abuse the profession.
6) Indonesian Journalists have the right to reject, to appreciate the provisions of the embargo, background information and off the record, according to the agreement.
7) Indonesian Journalists and corrected immediately revoke the proclamation sera serve right of reply.
This is in accordance with the functions of the board of the press, among others:
1) Protecting the freedom of the press from interference by other parties.
2) Conduct review for the development of the life of the press.
3) Establish and oversee implementation of the code of journalistic ethics.
4) To provide the consideration and seek settlement of public complaints in cases relating to press coverage.
5) Develop a communication between the press, civil society and government.
6) Facilitate the press organizations in drafting the regulations in the field of press and improve the quality of journalism profession.
7) Logging press company.
Right Answer and Reject Rights
In Law Number 40 year 1999 Article 1 paragraph (11), which meant the right of reply is the right person or group of people to give a response or rebuttal to the fact that adverse publicity in the form of his good name. The contents of the answer must be related to the subject matter and should be submitted in a brief and clear.
1. Every news that later turned out to be incorrect or contains things that are misleading, should be rectified on the pull back or keinsyafan journalists themselves.
2. Parties who feel disadvantaged shall be given the opportunity to answer or fix as soon as the news is, as far as possible in the same room with the original and the maximum coverage of the same length, provided that the answers or the repair was done fairly.
Whereas in Article 1 paragraph (10) explained that the right figure is the right of a journalist by profession to deny, disclose informant's name, and / or the identity of news sources that must be secret.
Examples of divergence of Journalism Ethics
Below are examples of irregularities or abuse of press freedom as opposed to the journalistic code of ethics, among others:
a. Broadcast news
Broadcasting news that does not meet the journalistic code of ethics, broadcasting news and information delivery that do not meet the journalistic code of ethics and journalism can occur. This is often done by journalists or media managers are not professionals so that they can harm certain parties.
b. Judiciary by the press (trial by the press)
News is less balanced and does not use a second party (both sides) are sometimes too far prosecute a particular person.
c. To form an opinion that is misleading
In a society not closed the possibility of a mass of news is not exactly understood, either because the level of understanding of the reader as well as news and media information has caused public opinion is formed in the interest of certain parties.
d. Form of writing / advice news
Form of writing / advice provocative news, news in the press loading can cause emotions to certain citizens.
Controlling Government's efforts in Press Freedom
National press as stipulated in the Act on the Press and Journalistic Ethics berasaskan democratic principles of justice and the rule of law, and obliged to broadcast events and opinions with respect for the norms of religion, morality and sense of community, the presumption of innocence, and a role for justice and truth.
Freedom of the press in its implementation must be accompanied by responsibility, because a large flexibility andfreedomthat is owned by a person can easily be abused and made arbitrarily. Thus, the press should consider whether it can spread the news that the public benefit or positive impact to the community and nation.
The press as one of the nation's capital using the rules (rules of the game), the national press, as follows:
a. Runway Idiil: philosophy of Pancasila (opening 1945).
b. The foundation of the Constitution: the Constitution of 1945.
c. Juridical foundation: Release of Goods Act legislation.
d. Professional Runway: Journalism Ethics.
e. Ethical basis: Applicable Values in Society.
Prof. Oeman Seno Adji, in his book entitled "Freedom of the Press Law" citing JCT Simorangkir, SH. Indonesia concluded on press freedom, as follows:
a. Indonesian law has recognized, regulate and guarantee regarding freedom of the press.
b. Press freedom in Indonesia will not be seen / measured solely with glass eyes / size overseas.
c. Key features of press freedom in Indonesia:
1) Release of free and responsible.
2) Press the healthy.
3) The press as an objective disseminator of information.
4) The press as a dealer aspirations of the people and expand communication and community participation.
5) Press the constructive conduct of social control.
6) There is interaction between the press, government, and society.
d. Press freedom is recognized, secured, and implemented in Indonesia in the framework of the implementation of Pancasila Democracy.
e. Accountability.
The steps taken by the government in giving sanctions contained in the Penal Code, among others:
a. Obscenity offenses President and Vice President
In Article 137 of the Penal Code has been disclosed in sanctions against the insult to the President and Vice-President:
1) Whoever broadcast, exhibit or paste text or images, the contents insulting the President or Vice President with the intention that they may know one or more known by many people, be punished for ever a year or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
2) If the guilty to the crime was in office and at the time a crime was not yet passed two years after the Movement who formerly were fixed for such crimes, so he was fired from his post.
b. Glare Spreader Hatred (Haatzal Artikelem)
Glare is stated in article 154 of the Penal Code, "whoever publicly expressed feelings of enmity, hatred, or contempt for the law of Heads of Government of Indonesia in prison for ever seven years or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
Mentioned in article 155 of the Penal Code "Whoever broadcast, exhibit, or put a letter or picture in it with the intention that the contents of the letter or its contents known image by the crowd, was sentenced to prison for ever four years or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
c. Obscenity offenses Religion
Problems desecration of religion provided for in Article 156 of the Penal Code, which reads "Punishable by the criminal for ever five years whoever knowingly publicly issued feelings or does something which in essence is the hostility, abuse, or desecration of a religion in Indonesia with the intention that people do not embrace any religion that bersendikan Belief in God Almighty. "
d. Glare ethics / Pornography
Article 282 of the Penal Code contains a provision of three kinds of criminal acts punishable, as follows:
1) The blatant broadcasting, placing or displaying text, images or items that violate decency.
2) In making blatant, carrying out, or provide text, images or items that violate decency.
3) The outspoken broadcast, shown or with unsolicited offers, text, images or items that violate decency.
To support the growth and development of press society need to do the following things:
a. Collect materials that can improve knowledge and skills of communities, in order to provide participation in the conduct of development programs.
b. Giving priority to personal rights (rights) to avoid tyranny and build democratic life, so that minorities are not oppressed by the majority.
c. Able to accommodate and channel criticism and suggestions spiciness however, including those addressed to the press itself, for the sake of continuing improvement and refinement.
d. Provide the best lighting through advertising to the public about the goods and services that are useful and efficient than existing products.
e. Maintaining the welfare of the community and provide entertainment such as the present short stories, fiction, crossword puzzles, comics, and so forth.
f. Foster its own strength (capital and human resources) to be free from outside influences, such as providers of capital and the intervention of certain parties that could affect the freedom and idealism.
g. Societal function by conducting an investigation to get to the truth and social control in the public interest.
h. In presenting his writings, the press should wisely use the approach of presumption of innocence (preseumption of innocence), particularly the news that personal touch directly (human rights) a person, such as obscenity.
i. Avoid the presentation of sensitive news items such as pictures, reviews, cartoons, etc., that may disturb the stability, as related to ethnicity, race, religion, and between groups (SARA).
j. Avoid the writing of news, reviews, stories, drawings and caricatures that tend to be pornographic and sadistic or contain elements of cruelty and violence that is incompatible with moral values.
B. Freedom Freedom of Press and Mass Media Impact of Abuse in the Community of Democratic In Indonesia
Freedom of the press is freedom of expression, whether written or oral, through the mass media, like newspaper, magazines and newsletters. Press freedom demanded responsibility to uphold justice, order and security in society, not to spoil it.
1. Impact of Abuse of Freedom of Mass Media / Press
In the life of society, mass media can provide information or a clear and accurate news. Mass media in disseminating news to the life of the community have benefited significantly. Medium term has meaning for all organizations, both private and government in charge of searching for information to the public, they are using tools or media such as newspapers, radio, television, performing arts, and others. The equipment used to convey messages.
The effects of abuse of freedom of the press, among others:
a. For Personal Interests
In everyday life, as often happens, the press service a person can lift its positive image, but otherwise good name and reputation of a person can be destroyed by the press, this occurs because of the abuse of freedom of opinion in the delivery of information.
b. For the sake of society
Broadcasting a less balanced source of information may result in different impression with the actual reality. All kinds of information that is preached on a large scale and constantly affects the community.
c. For State Interests
The types of broadcasts and writings of the less consider national interests can be detrimental to the interests of the state. This can cause the following impacts:
1) The level of public trust in government is reduced because the trust toward the government. As a result the level of community participation in development, and maintaining security to decrease.
2) Trust abroad falter. If things really happened, the worst impact is the level of international trust on Indonesia reduced. As a result, interest in cooperation, especially economic cooperation, investment planting, the granting of aid, loans and so forth, will also decrease.
Indonesian state has guaranteed the fulfillment of the right of freedom of speech and information. This is stipulated in:
a. Article 28 UUD 1945, which reads:
Freedom of association and assembly, out of mind with verbal and written and defined by Act.
b. Article 28 F of the 1945 Constitution which reads:
Everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop personal and social environment, and to subsequently convey information using all types of channels available.
c. MPR Decree No. XVI/MPR/1998 on Human Rights are Human Rights Charter, Chapter VI, Article 20 and 21 reads:
o Article 20: "Everyone is entitled to communicate and obtain information to develop personal and social environment."
o Article 21: "Everyone has the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and convey information using all types of available channels."
d. Law of Human Rights No. 2000 39 years of article 14 paragraph (1) and (2) which reads:
o Article 14 paragraph (1): "Every person has the right to communicate and obtain information necessary to develop personal and social environment."
o Article 14 paragraph (2): "Every person has the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and convey information using all types of facilities are available.
e. Act Release No. 40 years old in 1999 in article 2 and article 4 paragraph (1) as follows:
o Article 2: "Freedom of the press is one manifestation of popular sovereignty which berasaskan the principles of democracy, justice and the rule of law.
o Article 4 paragraph (1): "Freedom of the press guaranteed as citizens' rights.
Four streams or schools of which produce a theory of the freedom of the press, namely:
a. Press Authoritarian Theory
This theory was developed starting in 17th-century England and then to the whole world. Authoritarian theory of philosophy is to make the absolute power of the ruling royal or government to support its policy. Press functioned to serve the interests of the state.
b. Libertarian Press Theory
This theory emerged in the UK then entered in the United States and then to the whole world. Philosophical theory is the provision of information and entertainment with full respect for the individual.
c. Press totalitarian theory
This theory emerged in Russia in the 19th century, the philosophy of the theory of totalitarianism is the mass media as a tool of the state to convey everything to the people, the right to use the media is a loyal party member.
d. Social Responsibility Theory
This theory states that the press has a social responsibility. This theory was developed in the United States in the 20th century. Philosophy of this theory is that the press provide lighting, entertainment, and sell products, but are prohibited from violating the interests of others and society.
Negative impacts and abuse of freedom of mass media can be distinguished in two kinds: internal and external.
a. Internally
1) The press is not objective, and preached a lie, sooner or later be refuted by readers.
2) The readiness of society to use the right of reply cause annoyance parties who feel harmed by the publicity of the press who will do the anarchists by destroying the office, even physical action against journalists who give.
b. In the External
1) Accelerate the character and moral damage.
2) Generates tension in society.
3) Generates antipathy and resentment toward the press.
4) Generates an attitude of mutual suspicion and discord in society.
5) complicate the holding of reconciliation / re reconcile society's conflicts.
2. Society benefits in the Democratic Press in Indonesia
Indonesian society is a democratic society who have a variety of cultures and norms of life in society, and behavior. Therefore, the press has the role and function in harmony with the understanding that followed the public.
In a democratic society would have an open attitude to life of its citizens, critical of the reforms, not easily provoked and have a tolerant attitude on the basis of understanding of togetherness.
In general, the press has the following functions:
a. Giving information
Press function is to provide diverse information adopted by the various writings in the press. By reading newspapers, magazines, weekly tabloids, watching television and listening to the radio, the public can obtain various information, whether originating from inside and outside the country.
b. Educate
Loading of news in the press that according to the code of ethics can educate people to be positive. Thus, the press has an important contribution in providing education for the life of the community, nation and state.
c. Providing refreshment / entertainment
Press the presentation can provide entertainment to the community, comforted in the funny things alone but in a wider sense, for example: create a sense of satisfaction, fun, and pride.
In the Law No. 40 of 1999 regarding the press, the role of the national press include the following:
1) Fighting for truth.
2) Provide oversight, criticism, corrections, and suggestions on matters related to public interest.
3) Develop a common opinion based on accurate information, accurate and true.
4) Upholding the basic values of democracy, promote the establishment of the rule of law and human rights and respect for diversity.
5) Meeting the public's right to know.
d. Giving control of
In public life, the press function is to provide social control and inform the various criticisms that are constructive for the community at large. Various kinds of violations can be done by providing the control, criticism, and so extensively and intensively. Thus, losses to society can be reduced and even eliminated.
e. Linking or bridging
In this case the press has a function as a liaison or bridge between society and government, or vice versa. more articlesclick here
One embodiment of the independence of the republic of Indonesia is the country's independence of mind issue with oral and written, as mandated by Article 28 of the Constitution of 1945. Therefore, freedom of press must be respected by all parties.
In carrying out journalistic activities, Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) has set a journalistic code of ethics that must be obeyed by all Indonesian journalists. Council post-reform press that formed in 1998to formulate two codes, namely codes of practice and business ethics of the press.
a. Journalism Ethics AJI (Alliance of Independent Journalists)
Code of ethics of the press according to the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) as follows:
1) A journalist respects the right of people to get correct information.
2) Journalists always retain the principles of freedom and the balance in news coverage and criticism and comments.
3) Journalists provides a place for those who lack the resources and the opportunity to voice their opinion.
4) Journalists only report the facts and opinions clearly the source.
5) A journalist does not hide important information you need to know the community.
6) A journalist uses unethical means to obtain news, photographs, and documents.
7) A journalist respects the right of speakers to provide background information, off the record, and embargoes.
8) immediately rectify any news journalist who is known to be inaccurate.
9) maintain the confidentiality of journalists sources of information confidential, the identity of victims of sexual crimes, and perpetrators of criminal acts under age.
10) Journalists avoid hatred, prejudice, condescension, and discrimination in matters tribe, race, nation, politics, disability or mental illness, or other social background.
11) A journalist respects the privacy, except those things that could harm the public.
12) Journalists do not report the news with mengumbar obscenity, cruelty, physical violence, and sexual.
13) A journalist does not exploit its position and information for personal gain.
14) Journalists are not justified in accepting bribes.
Note: This is a form of bribe is all in the form of money, goods, and or other facilities which directly or indirectly can influence a journalist in making journalistic work.
15) A journalist does not justify copying.
16) Journalists avoid libel and defamation.
17) Journalists avoid any interference of other parties that inhibit the implementation of the principles above.
18) The cases relating to codes of conduct will be resolved by the assembly code of ethics.
b. Code of Ethics of Indonesian Journalists (KEWI)
The Code is prepared 26 journalists organizations in promoting the spirit of Bandung tahun1999 with journalism in the era of press freedom.
1) Indonesian journalists to respect people's right to obtain the correct information.
2) Indonesian Journalists take an ethical manner to acquire and broadcast, and to give identity to the source of information.
3) Indonesian journalists to respect the principle of presumption of innocence, do not mix up facts and opinions, balanced and always examine the validity of the information, and not doing plagit.
4) Indonesian Journalists do not broadcast information that contains false, defamatory, sadistic and obscene. And did not identify victims of moral evil.
5) Indonesian Journalists do not take bribes and do not abuse the profession.
6) Indonesian Journalists have the right to reject, to appreciate the provisions of the embargo, background information and off the record, according to the agreement.
7) Indonesian Journalists and corrected immediately revoke the proclamation sera serve right of reply.
This is in accordance with the functions of the board of the press, among others:
1) Protecting the freedom of the press from interference by other parties.
2) Conduct review for the development of the life of the press.
3) Establish and oversee implementation of the code of journalistic ethics.
4) To provide the consideration and seek settlement of public complaints in cases relating to press coverage.
5) Develop a communication between the press, civil society and government.
6) Facilitate the press organizations in drafting the regulations in the field of press and improve the quality of journalism profession.
7) Logging press company.
Right Answer and Reject Rights
In Law Number 40 year 1999 Article 1 paragraph (11), which meant the right of reply is the right person or group of people to give a response or rebuttal to the fact that adverse publicity in the form of his good name. The contents of the answer must be related to the subject matter and should be submitted in a brief and clear.
1. Every news that later turned out to be incorrect or contains things that are misleading, should be rectified on the pull back or keinsyafan journalists themselves.
2. Parties who feel disadvantaged shall be given the opportunity to answer or fix as soon as the news is, as far as possible in the same room with the original and the maximum coverage of the same length, provided that the answers or the repair was done fairly.
Whereas in Article 1 paragraph (10) explained that the right figure is the right of a journalist by profession to deny, disclose informant's name, and / or the identity of news sources that must be secret.
Examples of divergence of Journalism Ethics
Below are examples of irregularities or abuse of press freedom as opposed to the journalistic code of ethics, among others:
a. Broadcast news
Broadcasting news that does not meet the journalistic code of ethics, broadcasting news and information delivery that do not meet the journalistic code of ethics and journalism can occur. This is often done by journalists or media managers are not professionals so that they can harm certain parties.
b. Judiciary by the press (trial by the press)
News is less balanced and does not use a second party (both sides) are sometimes too far prosecute a particular person.
c. To form an opinion that is misleading
In a society not closed the possibility of a mass of news is not exactly understood, either because the level of understanding of the reader as well as news and media information has caused public opinion is formed in the interest of certain parties.
d. Form of writing / advice news
Form of writing / advice provocative news, news in the press loading can cause emotions to certain citizens.
Controlling Government's efforts in Press Freedom
National press as stipulated in the Act on the Press and Journalistic Ethics berasaskan democratic principles of justice and the rule of law, and obliged to broadcast events and opinions with respect for the norms of religion, morality and sense of community, the presumption of innocence, and a role for justice and truth.
Freedom of the press in its implementation must be accompanied by responsibility, because a large flexibility andfreedomthat is owned by a person can easily be abused and made arbitrarily. Thus, the press should consider whether it can spread the news that the public benefit or positive impact to the community and nation.
The press as one of the nation's capital using the rules (rules of the game), the national press, as follows:
a. Runway Idiil: philosophy of Pancasila (opening 1945).
b. The foundation of the Constitution: the Constitution of 1945.
c. Juridical foundation: Release of Goods Act legislation.
d. Professional Runway: Journalism Ethics.
e. Ethical basis: Applicable Values in Society.
Prof. Oeman Seno Adji, in his book entitled "Freedom of the Press Law" citing JCT Simorangkir, SH. Indonesia concluded on press freedom, as follows:
a. Indonesian law has recognized, regulate and guarantee regarding freedom of the press.
b. Press freedom in Indonesia will not be seen / measured solely with glass eyes / size overseas.
c. Key features of press freedom in Indonesia:
1) Release of free and responsible.
2) Press the healthy.
3) The press as an objective disseminator of information.
4) The press as a dealer aspirations of the people and expand communication and community participation.
5) Press the constructive conduct of social control.
6) There is interaction between the press, government, and society.
d. Press freedom is recognized, secured, and implemented in Indonesia in the framework of the implementation of Pancasila Democracy.
e. Accountability.
The steps taken by the government in giving sanctions contained in the Penal Code, among others:
a. Obscenity offenses President and Vice President
In Article 137 of the Penal Code has been disclosed in sanctions against the insult to the President and Vice-President:
1) Whoever broadcast, exhibit or paste text or images, the contents insulting the President or Vice President with the intention that they may know one or more known by many people, be punished for ever a year or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
2) If the guilty to the crime was in office and at the time a crime was not yet passed two years after the Movement who formerly were fixed for such crimes, so he was fired from his post.
b. Glare Spreader Hatred (Haatzal Artikelem)
Glare is stated in article 154 of the Penal Code, "whoever publicly expressed feelings of enmity, hatred, or contempt for the law of Heads of Government of Indonesia in prison for ever seven years or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
Mentioned in article 155 of the Penal Code "Whoever broadcast, exhibit, or put a letter or picture in it with the intention that the contents of the letter or its contents known image by the crowd, was sentenced to prison for ever four years or a fine of as much Rp4.500, 2000
c. Obscenity offenses Religion
Problems desecration of religion provided for in Article 156 of the Penal Code, which reads "Punishable by the criminal for ever five years whoever knowingly publicly issued feelings or does something which in essence is the hostility, abuse, or desecration of a religion in Indonesia with the intention that people do not embrace any religion that bersendikan Belief in God Almighty. "
d. Glare ethics / Pornography
Article 282 of the Penal Code contains a provision of three kinds of criminal acts punishable, as follows:
1) The blatant broadcasting, placing or displaying text, images or items that violate decency.
2) In making blatant, carrying out, or provide text, images or items that violate decency.
3) The outspoken broadcast, shown or with unsolicited offers, text, images or items that violate decency.
To support the growth and development of press society need to do the following things:
a. Collect materials that can improve knowledge and skills of communities, in order to provide participation in the conduct of development programs.
b. Giving priority to personal rights (rights) to avoid tyranny and build democratic life, so that minorities are not oppressed by the majority.
c. Able to accommodate and channel criticism and suggestions spiciness however, including those addressed to the press itself, for the sake of continuing improvement and refinement.
d. Provide the best lighting through advertising to the public about the goods and services that are useful and efficient than existing products.
e. Maintaining the welfare of the community and provide entertainment such as the present short stories, fiction, crossword puzzles, comics, and so forth.
f. Foster its own strength (capital and human resources) to be free from outside influences, such as providers of capital and the intervention of certain parties that could affect the freedom and idealism.
g. Societal function by conducting an investigation to get to the truth and social control in the public interest.
h. In presenting his writings, the press should wisely use the approach of presumption of innocence (preseumption of innocence), particularly the news that personal touch directly (human rights) a person, such as obscenity.
i. Avoid the presentation of sensitive news items such as pictures, reviews, cartoons, etc., that may disturb the stability, as related to ethnicity, race, religion, and between groups (SARA).
j. Avoid the writing of news, reviews, stories, drawings and caricatures that tend to be pornographic and sadistic or contain elements of cruelty and violence that is incompatible with moral values.
B. Freedom Freedom of Press and Mass Media Impact of Abuse in the Community of Democratic In Indonesia
Freedom of the press is freedom of expression, whether written or oral, through the mass media, like newspaper, magazines and newsletters. Press freedom demanded responsibility to uphold justice, order and security in society, not to spoil it.
1. Impact of Abuse of Freedom of Mass Media / Press
In the life of society, mass media can provide information or a clear and accurate news. Mass media in disseminating news to the life of the community have benefited significantly. Medium term has meaning for all organizations, both private and government in charge of searching for information to the public, they are using tools or media such as newspapers, radio, television, performing arts, and others. The equipment used to convey messages.
The effects of abuse of freedom of the press, among others:
a. For Personal Interests
In everyday life, as often happens, the press service a person can lift its positive image, but otherwise good name and reputation of a person can be destroyed by the press, this occurs because of the abuse of freedom of opinion in the delivery of information.
b. For the sake of society
Broadcasting a less balanced source of information may result in different impression with the actual reality. All kinds of information that is preached on a large scale and constantly affects the community.
c. For State Interests
The types of broadcasts and writings of the less consider national interests can be detrimental to the interests of the state. This can cause the following impacts:
1) The level of public trust in government is reduced because the trust toward the government. As a result the level of community participation in development, and maintaining security to decrease.
2) Trust abroad falter. If things really happened, the worst impact is the level of international trust on Indonesia reduced. As a result, interest in cooperation, especially economic cooperation, investment planting, the granting of aid, loans and so forth, will also decrease.
Indonesian state has guaranteed the fulfillment of the right of freedom of speech and information. This is stipulated in:
a. Article 28 UUD 1945, which reads:
Freedom of association and assembly, out of mind with verbal and written and defined by Act.
b. Article 28 F of the 1945 Constitution which reads:
Everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop personal and social environment, and to subsequently convey information using all types of channels available.
c. MPR Decree No. XVI/MPR/1998 on Human Rights are Human Rights Charter, Chapter VI, Article 20 and 21 reads:
o Article 20: "Everyone is entitled to communicate and obtain information to develop personal and social environment."
o Article 21: "Everyone has the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and convey information using all types of available channels."
d. Law of Human Rights No. 2000 39 years of article 14 paragraph (1) and (2) which reads:
o Article 14 paragraph (1): "Every person has the right to communicate and obtain information necessary to develop personal and social environment."
o Article 14 paragraph (2): "Every person has the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and convey information using all types of facilities are available.
e. Act Release No. 40 years old in 1999 in article 2 and article 4 paragraph (1) as follows:
o Article 2: "Freedom of the press is one manifestation of popular sovereignty which berasaskan the principles of democracy, justice and the rule of law.
o Article 4 paragraph (1): "Freedom of the press guaranteed as citizens' rights.
Four streams or schools of which produce a theory of the freedom of the press, namely:
a. Press Authoritarian Theory
This theory was developed starting in 17th-century England and then to the whole world. Authoritarian theory of philosophy is to make the absolute power of the ruling royal or government to support its policy. Press functioned to serve the interests of the state.
b. Libertarian Press Theory
This theory emerged in the UK then entered in the United States and then to the whole world. Philosophical theory is the provision of information and entertainment with full respect for the individual.
c. Press totalitarian theory
This theory emerged in Russia in the 19th century, the philosophy of the theory of totalitarianism is the mass media as a tool of the state to convey everything to the people, the right to use the media is a loyal party member.
d. Social Responsibility Theory
This theory states that the press has a social responsibility. This theory was developed in the United States in the 20th century. Philosophy of this theory is that the press provide lighting, entertainment, and sell products, but are prohibited from violating the interests of others and society.
Negative impacts and abuse of freedom of mass media can be distinguished in two kinds: internal and external.
a. Internally
1) The press is not objective, and preached a lie, sooner or later be refuted by readers.
2) The readiness of society to use the right of reply cause annoyance parties who feel harmed by the publicity of the press who will do the anarchists by destroying the office, even physical action against journalists who give.
b. In the External
1) Accelerate the character and moral damage.
2) Generates tension in society.
3) Generates antipathy and resentment toward the press.
4) Generates an attitude of mutual suspicion and discord in society.
5) complicate the holding of reconciliation / re reconcile society's conflicts.
2. Society benefits in the Democratic Press in Indonesia
Indonesian society is a democratic society who have a variety of cultures and norms of life in society, and behavior. Therefore, the press has the role and function in harmony with the understanding that followed the public.
In a democratic society would have an open attitude to life of its citizens, critical of the reforms, not easily provoked and have a tolerant attitude on the basis of understanding of togetherness.
In general, the press has the following functions:
a. Giving information
Press function is to provide diverse information adopted by the various writings in the press. By reading newspapers, magazines, weekly tabloids, watching television and listening to the radio, the public can obtain various information, whether originating from inside and outside the country.
b. Educate
Loading of news in the press that according to the code of ethics can educate people to be positive. Thus, the press has an important contribution in providing education for the life of the community, nation and state.
c. Providing refreshment / entertainment
Press the presentation can provide entertainment to the community, comforted in the funny things alone but in a wider sense, for example: create a sense of satisfaction, fun, and pride.
In the Law No. 40 of 1999 regarding the press, the role of the national press include the following:
1) Fighting for truth.
2) Provide oversight, criticism, corrections, and suggestions on matters related to public interest.
3) Develop a common opinion based on accurate information, accurate and true.
4) Upholding the basic values of democracy, promote the establishment of the rule of law and human rights and respect for diversity.
5) Meeting the public's right to know.
d. Giving control of
In public life, the press function is to provide social control and inform the various criticisms that are constructive for the community at large. Various kinds of violations can be done by providing the control, criticism, and so extensively and intensively. Thus, losses to society can be reduced and even eliminated.
e. Linking or bridging
In this case the press has a function as a liaison or bridge between society and government, or vice versa. more articlesclick here
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