Homework is schoolwork that is done at home or outside of the school hours and usually the students do on piece work basis. Some students do not like it. In the fact, homework is harmful for students, especially for elementary school because it can be burden, make many controversies and stress.
It is true that it can be burden for children . For example; if the children still don’t understand about the lesson that the teacher explained in the class, it will make them suppressed and burden. Even less, their family can not help to do children’s homework well because most of parents are busy to look for money so that they can not do homework well.
Homework can make many controversies in the family. Such as ; if the children ask about their homework to their parents, and their parents can not answer about children’s questions, sometimes children don’t believe with their parents because parent’s explanation are different with teacher’s explanation but actually the answers are as same as the teacher. So they will dispute it. Whereas it is just trivial problem. And sometimes parents can not explain detail about the detail of the lesson. So it can make many controversies or in the family between parents and children.
Homework can make children stress. For instance; at first, when children are lazy to do it, homework is enemy for them because it is busy work for them. Most of children are like playing than improving their thinking skill. Second, if children have spare time, they don’t want to homework. In their thinking is better playing with their friends than doing their homework. Especially, students who always received in below average of their value because they are lazy and some students become stress because of it.
As a result, homework is killing children and in fact, it is not making them any smarter than before. Because it is just a little evidence to show that homework is not helpful.
Is that true that's HOMEWORK IS HARMFUL ???????????????????
yuP.. of course ......
that is true. heheheheheehee
P E A C E.!!! ^_^